Saturday, May 12, 2018

SDA Issues- Our sons of Eli

And the two sons of Eli, Hophni and Phinehas, the priests of the LORD,....Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD.
1 Samuel 1:3/2:12

Have you heard those in the church who keep whining about how to reach the "Millennials"?
Almost every time it seems to be those in the church who harbor hate for the church's Biblical positions and HIDE behind the "Millennials" as an excuse to change the church.
For Example of NONSENSE from Spectrum:
"The “Elephant(s) in the Room” know some of the reasons younger people are leaving churches. Why does this report say people met and talked without reporting on some of the inconvenient reasons people are turned away? I have some suggestions:
  1. LGT. Are younger people are turned away by the push to perfection to CAUSE the second coming?
  2. WO. Are younger people turned away by the arguing over and resistance to women’s ordination?
  3. LGBT. Are young people turned away by the strong condemnation and shunning of LGBT people?
  4. Literalism / fundamentalism. Are young people turned away because they do not see the Bible as literally as “good” Adventists"? Are they turned away by the strong bent toward fundamentalism some Adventists promote?
  5. Shaking. Are young people turned away by the GC President’s acknowledgement that it might be his duty to lead “the shaking”? Is that a welcoming approach?
You need to add a 6th point:
  1. Are young people turned away because their understanding of science does not support a recent creation.
WOW! Peter!!! You did it again! Great post.
I don’t know if there is something else to add to what you just told us about the reason for the youth lacking interest in the Church.

Maybe I would add one more, if you agree:
  1. Politics. The Church political maneuvers are evident, and they really suck! The youth have no patience for this kind of manipulation . Not even the GC President is elected by the Church, but rather by a very small group." Spectrum (Names of these 3 people withheld)
You see these people who have disdain for the Word of God-
1- They have a problem with Sanctification
2- They have their hearts in the world's political feminism on women ordination
3- They have a problem calling sin by it's right name, sinners to repentance & would have a problem reading Paul in 1 Corinthians 5 on sexual immorality in the Church
4- They have a problem with taking the Word of God serious, they prefer to allegorize away what they don't want to hear in other words
5- There's ALREADY a shaking taking place--they are at the heart of the shaking
6- ah, there it is, their disdain for Genesis 1&2, yet they are without excuse today because there are plenty of Creationist websites with men of science who make excellent cases against evolution, but these people CHOOSE to believe the other side...that's where their heart is
7- The manipulation of things in the church is actually by these very people whining about it
Awake to righteousness, and sin not;
for some have not the knowledge of God:
 I speak this to your shame.
1 Corinthians 15:34