Monday, May 7, 2018

Pauline Epistles Background SERIES: PHILIPPIANS

Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi,...Philippians 1:1

"The city of Philippi was established by and named after, Philip of Macedon, father of Alexander the Great. After Octavian defeated Mark Antony's army at Actium (in 31 B.C.), Philippi was designated as a military colony with special privileges of citizenship.

This may account for the terminology used (in 1:27 politeuesthe), "to conduct oneself as a citizen", and (3:20) (politeuma, "citizenship"). Proud of their citizenship, its inhabitants called themselves "Romans" (Acts 16:21). The official language was Latin, but the daily tongue was Greek. According to (Acts 16:12), Philippi was the "chief city of that part of Macedonia." Its importance lay not least in its being a crossroads lying on one of the main routes between Asia and Europe.

There was no synagogue in this area, and the women were praying out at the river bank where they washed. They were there on the Sabbath, and Paul went there and brought them the good news of the gospel.
It seemed Lydia was very prominent in the work here in Philippi. The first man that was brought into the church here was the Philippian jailor and his family.
The planting of this church on his second missionary journey, was Paul's first act on European soil."