Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Papal Notes - Promoting the Reprobate Mind

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind,
to do those things which are not convenient;
Romans 1:28
"According to multiple reports, a gay man who visited Pope Francis at the Vatican last week is alleging the Pope told him, “God made you gay.” The allegation comes from Juan Carlos Cruz, one of the child victims of sexual abuse by Chilean clergy. The comment has quickly coiled around the
Such a strong remark, from such a seat of moral and spiritual authority, would surely tighten the already strong grip of LGBT ideology.  
In this alleged comment,
*the Jesuit Pontiff made a giant leap from his already confounding, impenetrable, “Who am I to judge?” suggesting to the world that the Church is treading down a path to justifying LGBT identity and activity as fully normal. Such a path would be impossible for the Church of Christ.
The Vatican press office's Cristina Ravenda told LifeSiteNews, "The Vatican does not comment on private conversations of the Pope." Given the seriousness, we would expect Pope Francis to personally correct the record with haste if Cruz got the quote wrong.
But unfortunately, Cruz’s claim is not far-fetched.  
Over the course of his pontificate, Pope Francis has given indications that he is not concerned with addressing homosexual activity as inherently disordered and intrinsically evil.  Quite the contrary: *Not long ago he signalled support for legal recognition of same-sex unions.  
*He has welcomed a former male student and his boyfriend to the Vatican’s U.S. Embassy.
*And a French priest recently said in a televised interview that Pope Francis approved of his blessing of homosexual couples.

  The Pope’s words seem to belong to a new form of liberation theology––gay liberation theology––through which those who experience same-sex attraction are affirmed in their impulses, rather than encouraged to conform their lives to the Gospel." Lifesite