Monday, May 14, 2018

On the Streets of Babylon: Bible Bashing

Babylon is fallen, is fallen,..
 Come out of her, my people,
Revelation 14:8/18:4
There seem to be some on the Streets of Babylon bashing "half the Bible"....

"According to Pastor Stanley, "[First century] Church leaders unhitched the church from the worldview, value system, and regulations of the Jewish scriptures.

"Peter, James, Paul elected to unhitch the Christian faith from their Jewish scriptures, and my friends, we must as well."
Pastor Stanely even argued that, "Jesus' new covenant, His covenant with the nations, His covenant with you, His covenant with us, can stand on its own two nail-scarred resurrection feet. It does not need propping up by the Jewish scriptures."
This is so wrong on so many levels that it would take a whole book to refute." CP