Friday, May 25, 2018

IN the NEWS - Wales pushes the Debased Mind

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a debased mind,...
Romans 1:28 NKJV

We've been saying it since LGBTmania has swept the planet the last few years---it's never been about gay marriage--it's always been about mainstreaming perversity and indoctrination--specifically your children--and here we are--they are targeting your children--again...

LGBT-inclusive” sex education will be woven into the curriculum in Welsh schools beginning in
2022, starting with preschool-age children.
The country’s public education system is making a number of changes to its curriculum and teacher training over the next decade or so. Wales used to ban the “promotion of homosexuality in schools” but is ditching that approach to teach for one that focuses more on “rights, gender equity, emotions and relationships,” The Guardian reports.
Children will be taught about the government’s view of sexuality not as a separate class or subject. It will be “embedded across the curriculum.”
It will form a statutory part of Wales’s new curriculum...for all children aged from five to 16,” The Guardian reported." Lifesite