Monday, May 28, 2018

IN the NEWS - Pence vs. Warren

Who is right on what Pastors should be engaged in Preaching?

"In a last-second surprise appearance before a pastors conference in
Washington DC, Vice President Mike Pence implored them to continue to, "share the good news of Jesus Christ.”
Keep preaching the good news. Keep preaching in season and out of season as the Bible says. Always be prepared to give a reason for the hope that you have," he continued." CP

"Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren spoke Tuesday (May 22) at the Festival of Homiletics, a conference, founded in 1992, that
gathers clergy from primarily white, mainline Protestant traditions to discuss and engage in the art of preaching.
When she pulled out a King James Bible to read from Matthew 25, good-natured groans went up from an audience that typically uses Bible translations that are approximately 300 years more recent.
I’m old-school,” joked Warren, who was raised Methodist....she said. “I fight to uplift and protect the divine in every single person.”
Warren called the surge of activism after President Trump’s election — citing the Women’s March, protests against the travel ban on primarily Muslim countries and the championing of undocumented immigrants and gun control — “righteous fights.”
That led to a fiery chant, joined by the enthusiastic crowd: “Our fight is a righteous fight!” BCN

One says to preach the Gospel (Good News) of Christ...
The other says they should be politicizing the Pulpit for the so-called women's march (militant feminism) the so-called "travel ban" (which actually was just a temporary hold on 6 nations that don't help us with the vetting process at their end of who enters our country from theirs--so we can have time to enhance our vetting process) "undocumented Immigrants" (shouldn't they follow Scripture and urge these people to obey "Caesar", the government, thereby obeying our immigration laws?) and gun control (which is nowhere discussed in Scripture).
---so what we have here is a Vice President telling Pastors to Preach the Gospel and then we have a Senator & Presidential aspirant telling clergy to use the pulpit for Leftwing, non-Biblical action.
Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care.
Turn away from godless chatter...
1 Timothy 6:20 NIV