Thursday, May 3, 2018

DESIRE OF AGES: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 62

The Feast at Simon's


The fragrant gift which Mary had thought to lavish upon the dead body of the Savior she poured upon His living form. The women who bore spices to the tomb found their errand in vain, for He had risen. But Mary, pouring out her love upon the Savior while He was conscious of her devotion, was anointing Him for the burial.
Christ told Mary the meaning of her act, and in this He gave her more than He had received. In that she hath poured this ointment on My body, He said, she did it for My burial. Matthew 26:12
Many there are who bring their precious gifts for the dead. As they stand about the cold, silent form, words of love are freely spoken. Tenderness, appreciation, devotion, all are lavished upon one who sees not nor hears. Had these words been spoken when the weary spirit needed them so much, when the ear could hear and the heart could feel, how precious would have been their fragrance!