Friday, May 18, 2018

DESIRE OF AGES: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 77

In Pilates Judgment Hall


Christ's enemies had demanded a miracle as evidence of His divinity. They had evidence far greater than any they had sought. As their cruelty degraded His torturers below humanity into the likeness of Satan, so did His meekness and patience exalt Jesus above humanity.
Pilate had a desire to know the truth. His mind was confused. ...and his heart was stirred with a great longing to know what it really was, and how he could obtain it. What is truth? (John 18:38) he inquired. But he did not wait for an answer.
Christ might have spoken words to Herod that would have pierced the ears of the hardened king. ...But Christ's silence was the severest rebuke that He could have given. Herod had rejected the truth spoken to him by the greatest of the prophets, and no other message was he to receive. Not a word had the Majesty of heaven for him. That ear that had ever been open to human woe, had no room for Herod's commands.