Thursday, May 10, 2018

DESIRE OF AGES: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 69

On the Mount of Olives


God gave the Jewish people a last opportunity to repent. He manifested Himself through His
witnesses in their arrest, in their trial, and in their imprisonment. Yet their judges pronounced on them the death sentence......So it will be again. The authorities will make laws to restrict religious liberty. They will assume the right that is God's alone. They will think they can force the conscience, which God alone should control. Even now they are making a beginning; this work they will continue to carry forward till they reach a boundary over which they cannot step......Christ has given signs of His coming. He declares that we may know when He is near, even at the doors....But the day and the hour of His coming Christ has not revealed.
The evil servant says in his heart, My lord delayeth his coming. Matthew 24:28