Saturday, May 5, 2018

Creation Moment 5/5/2018 - Dinosaur Tracks Lead to Creation

"Based on a survey of Italian dinosaur tracks and fossils, a team of European scientists claims that dinosaurs evolved around 245 million years ago but remained rare until a “dinosaur diversification event” some 13 million years later, about 232 million years ago.

The study’s lead author, Dr. Massimo Bernardi of the University of Bristol, says, “We had been studying the footprints in the Dolomites [rock sequences in northern Italy] for some time, and it’s amazing how clear cut the change from ‘no dinosaurs’ to ‘all dinosaurs’ was.”

Such a clear-cut change is only “amazing” if one expects the fossils to provide evidence for gradual dinosaur evolution. On the other hand, this abrupt appearance of dinosaur kinds is exactly what creation scientists expect. Since God created dinosaurs to reproduce after their kind on Day 6 of the Creation Week, dinosaurs did not evolve from simpler forms of life, nor did any other creature. Hence, their fossil remains will not show evidence for evolution. Instead, these fossils, which are found in water-deposited sedimentary rocks all over the world, are the remains of creatures that perished during the Genesis Flood."
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind,... Genesis 1:24