Thursday, May 17, 2018

Creation Moment 5/17/2018 - "host-guest behavior"? ...WHAT?

"In “The Evolution of Conflict Resolution” (, evolutionists at Northeastern University admit that animals don’t resolve conflicts the way humans do. But since animals evolved (in their thinking) to develop territoriality, battle and hierarchy, human peacemaking must have evolved differently. But it evolved nonetheless. Having come up with a model of “host-guest behavior,” the Darwinians explain human peacemaking:
“This is especially interesting in the context of human biological behavior because in the animal kingdom, territoriality or ownership norms are ubiquitous.”
Of course, Darwinians of yesteryear thought that conflict was the means of evolutionary progress. Survival of the fittest required the strong to dominate the weak. We all know where that led." 
Blessed are the peacemakers:
for they shall be called the children of God.
Matthew 5:9