Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Calvinism as "Another Gospel"

I marvel that ye are so soon removed
from him that called you into the grace of Christ
unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6

Many Calvinists take their Bible very serious - more than most Christians today--YET Predestination, the main doctrine of Calvinism, is counter to the's how....

"....And nothing can be more serious than a deviation from the Gospel itself. Calvinism does present “another gospel.”

John Calvin taught that God will be glorified by bringing billions of people into this world for no other purpose than having them burn
in Hell for eternity.

This alone depicts a view of God found nowhere in Scripture; in essence, this misrepresents God but also creates a platform upon which “another gospel” has been built that is both fatalistic and makes the sacrifice of Christ no longer freely available to “whosoever may come.”
Salvation is no longer a matter of choice.

Furthermore, the Calvinist can never actually know if he or she is one of “the elect” thereby placing the CalvinistGospel” on a foundation of doubt rather than true biblical belief in the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ at Calvary." LighthouseTrails