Saturday, May 5, 2018

ARCHAEOLOGY: Post Babel Battle in New Mexico

Therefore is the name of it called Babel;.... and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth. Genesis 11:9

"An international team of scientists has found evidence of an interaction between Ice Age humans and now-extinct giant ground sloths.

The team found and analyzed fossilized footprints of ancient humans — adults and children — at White Sands National Monument in New Mexico; and those human footprints were actually inside footprints of a giant, razor-clawed ground sloth (Nothrotheriops or Paramylodon sp.).
The site consists of more than a hundred sloth and human tracks,” the researchers said.

We see interesting circles of sloth tracks in these stalked trackways which we call ‘flailing circles.’ These record the rise of the sloth on its hind legs and the swing of its fore legs presumably in a defensive motion.”

At 7-8 feet tall, tightly muscled and swinging fore legs tipped with wolverine-like claws, the sloth would tear apart any hunter on direct approach. But in addition to tracks of humans following the sloth, there are more human tracks a safe distance away telling the scientists that this was a
community action making use of distraction and misdirection to gain the upper hand in close-quarter combat.

The tracks show the sloth was turning and swinging at the stalker,” Professor Bennett said.
We also see human tracks on tip toes approach these circles; was this someone approaching with stealth to deliver a killer blow while the sloth was being distracted? We believe so.”
It was also a family affair as we see lots of evidence of children’s tracks and assembled crowds
along the edge of the flat playa.”

Piecing the puzzle we can see how sloth were kept on the flat playa by a horde of people and distracted by a hunter stalking the sloth from behind, while another crept forward and tried to strike the killing blow as the animal turned.”
The thing that is special about these prints and sets them apart from any other fossil trackways in the world is that this discovery records the interaction between humans and Ice Age giant megafauna, and White Sands National Monument has the largest concentration of human and Ice Age giant megafauna prints in the Americas,” Bustos said."

*...Likely this post-ice age, post-Babel BATTLE between humans and a giant sloth would be among some of the earliest settlers of North America. The giant sloth would indicate that animals isolated in a short time on the continent ahead of humans arriving were able to produce the extreme end of their potential size scale. In this case "giant" sloths hunted to extinction for what should be obvious reasons....maybe for food and clothes too...