Sunday, April 1, 2018

Spurgeon's 4 Points of "Easter" SERIES: 1

I. Lamenting for the Lord
And there followed him a great company of people, and of women, which also bewailed and lamented Him. Luke 23:27

"Amid the rabble rout which hounded the Redeemer to His doom, there were some gracious souls whose bitter anguish sought vent in wailing and lamentations-fit music to accompany that march of woe.
They bewailed
--innocence maltreated,
--goodness persecuted,
--love bleeding,
--meekness about to die; but my heart has a deeper and more bitter cause to mourn. My sins were the scourges which lacerated those blessed
shoulders, and crowned with thorn those bleeding brows: my sins cried "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" and laid the cross upon His gracious shoulders.
*Nain's widow saw her son restored-but I myself have been raised to newness of life.
*Peter's wife's mother was cured of the fever-but I of the greater plague of sin.
*Out of Magdalene seven devils were cast-but a whole legion out of me.
*Mary and Martha were favored with visits-but He dwells with me.
*His mother bore His body-but He is formed in me the hope of glory."
Charles Spurgeon