Sunday, April 22, 2018

Recycling Old Fashioned Paganism

I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him
that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:
Galatians 1:6
"Earth Day is a “holiday” and is celebrated internationally. During these celebrations three main messages are sent out the throngs.
  1. The Earth is our Mother and we need to take care of her
  2. We are as animals so we should treat all things equally
  3. We don’t have much time on Earth because it will be overrun by our pollution soon
These three issues are dealt with below:
1. The Earth is our Mother and we need to take care of her:

Pagan cultures worshiped the sun, moon and other stars but they also worshiped the earth. They gave homage to the earth and acknowledged it as a god. On Earth Day we see the same thing as many environmentalists claim the earth to be our Mother through evolutionary processes.
2. We are as animals so we should treat all things equally:
This idea is also rooted in religion and provides no proof that animals and man are equal in the least bit. Humanity has a developed language, intelligence and feelings that far surpass any animal. Humanity also has aspects of which animals do not; man has a heart (the emotional heart, not the physical one).
3. We don’t have much time on Earth because it will be overrun by our pollution soon:
A large amount of pollution that we blame ourselves for is actually not produced by humans. A lot of these issues have to do with the sun and other phenomena. Nevertheless, cartoons such as Astro Boy and Wall-E give us the notion that it is all man’s fault and soon we won’t be able to live on earth! It is good money-making propaganda though." AlreadyAnswered