Saturday, April 14, 2018

Forgotten Glimpse in Gethsemane

A Glimpse into Gethsemane that is forgotten by most or not well preached on or studied.....
A Doctor explains what sweating blood means medically....
And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly:
and his sweat was as it were great drops of blood falling down to the ground.
Luke 22:44
"In Gethsemane, Christ fell dying to the ground according to Ellen White.  This was clearly due to the weight of the sins of the world and the “sweating of blood” was a physical sign that Ellen White’s assertion is also correct.  

(When red blood cells extrude through the blood vessels and skin to become “sweat”, death is certain and immediate.) 

An angel had to come to “strengthen” Christ—to reverse the process and keep him alive. Christ’s cry “it is finished” timed at the moment of the evening sacrifice on Passover day shows that the Father separated Himself completely from Christ at that specially designed moment to draw man’s attention to the sacrifice, and that it was that separation which “broke the heart of Christ”."
Ed Nelson M.D./F7