Thursday, April 12, 2018

Dinosaur Peninsula

And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights.
Genesis 7:12 

"...identified a pre-Flood land mass across the central United States that we labeled “Dinosaur Peninsula.”

We found that the deposition of the earliest Flood sediments (the Sauk, Tippecanoe, and Kaskaskia Megasequences) was thickest in the eastern and far western U.S., including Grand Canyon. In contrast, the early Flood deposits across much of the center of the country are commonly less than a few hundred yards deep, and in many places there was no deposition at all.

We concluded:

It seems the dinosaurs were able to survive through the early Flood in the West simply because they were able to congregate and scramble to the elevated remnants of land—places where the related sedimentary deposits aren’t as deep—as the floodwaters advanced.…In this way, dinosaurs were able to escape burial in the early Flood." ICR