Friday, April 27, 2018

DESIRE OF AGES: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 56

Blessing the Children


Jesus knows the burden of every mother's heart.

As the mother teaches her children to obey her because they love her, she is teaching them the first lessons in the Christian life.
When the mothers made known their desire, Jesus heard with sympathy the timid, tearful request. But He waited to see how the disciples would treat them. When He saw them send the mothers away, thinking to do Him a favor, He showed them their error, saying, Suffer the little children to come unto Me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Mark 10:14.
He took the children in His arms, He laid His hands upon them, and gave them the blessing for which they came.
He knew that these children would listen to Him and accept Him as their Redeemer far more readily than would grown-up people, many of whom were the worldly-wise and hardhearted. In His teaching He came down to their level.
Parents, in the training of your children, study the lessons that God has given in nature. If you would train a pink, or rose, or lily, how would you do it? Ask the gardener by what process he makes every branch and leaf to flourish so beautifully, and to develop in symmetry and loveliness. He will tell you that it was by no rude touch, no violent effort; for this would only break the delicate stems. It was by little attentions, often repeated. He moistened the soil, and protected the growing plants from the fierce blasts and from the scorching sun, and God caused them to flourish and to blossom into loveliness.