Monday, April 23, 2018

DESIRE OF AGES: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 53

The Last Journey From Galilee


To the heart of Christ it was a bitter task to press His way against the fears, disappointment, and
unbelief of His beloved disciples. The one law of His life was the Father's will. And Satan was at hand to press his temptations upon the Son of man.
 It is no part of Christ's mission to compel men to receive Him. It is Satan, and men actuated by his spirit, that seek to compel the conscience. Under a pretense of zeal for righteousness, men who are confederate with evil angels bring suffering upon their fellow men, in order to convert them to their ideas of religion; Every human being, in body, soul, and spirit, is the property of God. Christ died to redeem all. Nothing can be more offensive to God than for men, through religious bigotry, to bring suffering upon those who are the purchase of the Savior's blood.
The rainbow of promise encircling the throne on high is an everlasting testimony that God so loved the world, that He gave His only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16. It testifies to the universe that God will never forsake His people in their struggle with evil.