Sunday, April 15, 2018

DESIRE OF AGES: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 44

The True Sign


...........a deaf, stammering man was brought to Him. Jesus did not, according to His custom, restore the man by a word only. Taking him apart from the multitude, He put His fingers in his ears, and
touched his tongue; looking up to heaven, He sighed at thought of the ears that would not be open to the truth, the tongues that refused to acknowledge the Redeemer.
*The Sadducees courted the favor of the ruling power in order to maintain their own position and authority. *The Pharisees, on the other hand, fostered the popular hatred against the Romans, longing for the time when they could throw off the yoke of the conqueror.
---But Pharisee and Sadducee now united against Christ. Like seeks like; and evil, wherever it exists, leagues with evil for the destruction of the good.
Now the Pharisees and Sadducees came to Christ, asking for a sign from heaven.
And He sighed deeply in His spirit, and saith, Why doth this generation seek after a sign?
Mark 8:12