Sunday, April 29, 2018

Creation Moment 4/30/2018 - Biblical Biology

"Actually, all human beings belong to only one race—Adam’s race. The Apostle Paul said, “He made from one, every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth.” (Acts 17:26) God  created Adam from the dust of the ground and formed Eve from one of Adam’s ribs. All other humans descended from Adam and Eve.
All people groups are able to intermarry, reproduce, and birth fertile offspring. This is biological evidence that all humans belong to a single race. Therefore the concept of race is essentially meaningless biologically.

Thus it is legitimate to say we are all one family. We’re all relatives of each other, for we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, as well as descendants of Noah and Mrs. Noah.
The dispersion of humanity across the earth from the Tower of Babel accounts for the many different people groups. God separated and dispersed family lines by giving them different languages, and each family line had a distinct set of genes. Since they were isolated as a result of language differences, different groups exhibited, sustained, and accentuated different genetic characteristics.
Adam’s and Eve’s skin was probably middle-brown in color with a mixture of light and dark color genes in their genome. In this way their offspring could range from very light to very dark. But all are part of the single Adamic race.
Similarly, Adam and Eve undoubtedly possessed genetic variation for other traits like hair color and texture, eye color and shape, height and weight, talents and abilities, intellectual and physical gifts, etc.
Some of the original gene pool was probably lost at the Flood when the entire population of the world was wiped out except for Noah and his three sons and their four wives. The gene pool was limited to Shem, Ham, and Japheth and their three wives. Everyone today is descended from those three couples.
The human race is both unified and diverse. It is unified because everyone who ever lived descended from Adam. It is diverse because of the genetic complexity and variation that God built into Adam. The diversity eventually became apparent as a result of the dispersal from Babel."