Friday, April 27, 2018

Creation Moment 4/27/2018 - Micropterigidaem

"A group of scientists used optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, confocal laser
scanning microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy to reveal the detailed structure of wing scales in ancient moth fossils found in both amber and rocks.

The moths and their microscopic details were similar to a living super-family of moths known as Micropterigidaem, who also exhibit patterns of metallic colors through the same high-specialized scales.

Both moths and butterflies are members of the insect order Lepidoptera whose wing colors and patterns are created by optical effects (interference, diffraction, or refraction) rather than by pigments as found in most other animals. The diverse and often startling metallic-like colors arise from the specified arrangements of wing micro-structures that interact with light. And like moths, butterfly fossils also confound evolution—the diversity of fossil butterflies are roughly equal to those alive today. In a research paper on Lepidopteran evolution, the authors state, “Remarkably, the proportion of butterflies among the fossils in number of specimens (some 80 specimens known) is close to the proportions among extant Lepidoptera in species.”

The major types of insects appear suddenly in a rich explosion of diversity and then stay the same from then on. While these discoveries fit perfectly with the Bible, they utterly defy evolutionary expectations." ICR
And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.
Genesis 1:24