Saturday, April 21, 2018

Creation Moment 4/22/2018 - Do secular physicists really want to go down this path?

"Evolutionary secularists often fancy themselves as hard-nosed empiricists who are immune to the allures of “magical” thinking.

The origin of life and the origin of consciousness are arguably the two most difficult things for evolutionists to explain.

Another naturalistic puzzle is that if humans are nothing more than material, biological machines, why are they self-aware?
Some evolutionists think they have an answer—a personal computer is conscious. And not just personal computers, but everything else in the universe! This belief, called panpsychism, holds that consciousness is a fundamental feature of matter itself, not just something humans possess. According to panpsychism, everything has some rudimentary level of consciousness, even individual particles.
It’s hard to believe that evolutionary scholars, who pride themselves on their supposed adherence to hard science, would actually suggest such things.

The Bible provides a reasonable explanation for the existence of life and consciousness of humans.
God created mankind, and we have both an immaterial, spiritual component and a physical one.

But because evolutionists reject the Bible’s explanation, they are forced to propose ideas that have the potential to undermine not just future scientific advancements but also the vast scientific knowledge that has already been attained!

....For instance, why use Newton’s Laws of Motion to infer an object’s path through space if the object can change its own motion at will? If an object starts to move, did it move because an unbalanced external force acted on it or because the object chose to move? Do secular physicists really want to go down this path?" ICR
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Genesis 2:7