Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Creation Moment 4/18/2018 - Calling on "father Darwin"

"Ctenophores and the story of evolution in the oceans ( Little children, let us call on Father Darwin so that we can “understand the evolutionary history of these remarkable animals.

This article is supersaturated with the word evolution, and yet we find that the scientists don’t
understand anything about the evolution of these creatures. Does it concern the Darwinians at Monterey Bay Aquarium that ctenophores, or comb jellies, appeared in the Cambrian Explosion and are unchanged after over 500 million Darwin Years of evolution?

One way to dodge the issue is to say it’s complicated. They state, “ctenophores as a group have a long and complicated evolutionary history.” Toss in a little microevolution and convergent evolution, and they can avoid the main question: how did these complex animals emerge in a geological instant from non-ctenophores? It doesn’t matter to them, because evolutionary storytelling is always a work in progress, with futureware vanishing forever into the horizon: “it’s likely that some of his team’s work will shed further light on the history of animal evolution.” Well, it hasn’t yet. How much longer do we have to wait for the light to shine?" CEH
But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them;Psalm 59:8