Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Creation Moment 4/17/2018 - Silly Evolutionists

"The evolutionary advantage of having eyebrows (The Conversation). Penny Spilkins weaves this
tangled logic: ‘eyebrows exist, therefore they evolved.’ This is from not just an ordinary Lecturer in the Archaeology of Human Origins, but a Senior Lecturer in the Archaeology of Human Origins. Is this science? She says, with imagination supporting Klinghoffer’s description,

It seems then that for humans (and dogs), being able to get along with others was key to survival. And for our ancestors, the evolution of the eyebrows performed an important function in expressing friendliness. All of which forms part of a process of “self-domestication” – where our human brains, bodies and even anatomy reflects a drive to get on better with those around us." CEH
 But thou, O LORD, shalt laugh at them;
Psalm 59:8