Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Creation Moment 4/11/2018 - March of Man Disbanded

The foolishness of man perverteth his way: and his heart fretteth against the LORD.
Psalm 19:3

"For decades, the story of human evolution was effectively told in a set of drawings called the March of Man, the Parade of Human Evolution, or simply the Progression. It showed evolution from some ape animal, to a stooped over ape-like man, to modern man. These pictures are seen in articles, on book covers, and even on many postage stamps. This icon is the most common picture of human evolution in the public’s mind. The story varies, but usually begins with a modern looking ape, then showing Dryopithecus, Australopithecus, then Homo erectus, Homo sapiens, Neanderthal man, and lastly, modern humans: Homo sapiens sapiens.

The two currently dominant theories of human evolution reject the Progression theory.
The theory that replaced the Progression are the Out-of-Africa Theory and the Multiregional Theory.

The Out-of-Africa Theory is, or was until now, the dominant model of the geographic origin and early migration of humans. The new model proposes a single origin of Homo sapiens, precluding parallel evolution of anatomically similar modern traits.

The other theory, the multiregional hypothesis, also teaches Homo erectus evolved through independent multiple origins in Africa and Eurasia with continuous gene flow between continental populations.

The problem was that neither fossil “excavations nor lab work has been able to reconstruct …  the earliest chapters of the Homo sapiens’ story.” Professor Tarlach adds as “debate between the two proponents of the two models rages on, there is one big problem. Researchers keep finding fossils and genomic evidence that don’t fit the evidence” for their evolution of human theory.
 The 2018 review of the evidence in Science acknowledged the evidence has now reached a tipping point.

The new model proposes modern humans evolved in Africa far earlier, actually close to 300,000 years ago, and left Africa in multiple waves. They ended up traveling to Australia and East Asia, and on the way interbred with Neanderthals in Europe and Denisovans in Asia.
This new theory was proposed in the face of other controversies which include “most molecular biologists who insist on the replacement of archaic populations by modern humans dispersed from Africa, while most paleoanthropologists and archaeologists propose an enhanced ‘Continuity with Hybridization’ model.”

As more and more human and primate fossil fragments were discovered, it became clear a simple
progression did not exist as once almost universally believed. Several alleged fossil men ancestors of modern man were shown to live contemporaneously with their supposed ancestor, and some even interbred.

Another discovery was that “modern human morphological characteristics appeared quite early, as documented in fossils from the late Middle Pleistocene.”
Furthermore, fossils with “fully modern human morphology” have been found that are believed by evolutionists to date very early in their evolutionary history theory. New DNA research has come to the same conclusion. Thus, instead of a progression, we have a great deal of variety in both humans and the great apes, as is also true with dogs, cats and most all other varieties of life.

A major problem is that modern humans, in evolutionary terms, lived contemporaneously with the claimed human evolutionary links. The evidence seems to support the view that anatomist Dr. David Menton has documented, namely all of the claimed links connecting humans to lower primates are either fully human or fully ape.

Life-long evolutionist A. N. Wilson, in a study of Darwin, ended up rejecting human evolution based largely on the fact that so much disagreement exists among the leading experts even about the core ideas of the theory." CEH