Friday, March 23, 2018

With the Candle of the Spirit

Search the Scriptures.
John 5:39

"THE Greek word here rendered search signifies a strict, close, diligent, curious search, such as men make when they are seeking gold.

We must not rest content with having given a superficial reading to a chapter or two, but with the candle of the Spirit we must deliberately seek out the hidden meaning of the word.

Holy Scripture requires searching—much of it can only be learned by careful study. There is milk for babes, but also meat for strong men.
*The Scriptures claim searching.
*They are the writings of God, bearing the divine stamp and imprimatur—who shall dare to treat them with levity?
*He who despises them despises the God who wrote them.

Under the teaching of the Holy Spirit, to the searching eye it glows with splendour of revelation, like a vast temple paved with wrought gold, and roofed with rubies, emeralds, and all manner of gems."
Charles Spurgeon