Friday, March 23, 2018

Theodicy: Simplified

"Theodicy in its most common form, is an attempt to answer the question of why a good God permits the manifestation of evil." Wikipedia

My response to Theodicy:
The heart is deceitful above all things,
and desperately wicked:
who can know it?
Jeremiah 17:9
EXAMPLE 1- Where was God during the Holocaust?
He was watching....who is it that told Hitler to follow Darwinian evolutionary eugenics to it's logical conclusion? Who is it that teaches man he is both a common beast of the field and teaches man
"survival of the fittest"?..NOT God...we did it to ourselves down here...How can YOU believe & teach that we are common beasts of the field, products of time + chance, and not expect someone in power to actually put it into practice? Why are YOU surprised out there if your worldview results in it's predictable results?...Hitler won an election to begin his rise to power. He published his Mein Kampf before being elected so who told YOU to elect him? Who told the German high command to stand down as he seized power? They did it by their own choices. Military men who wanted power themselves riding the Hitler wave....QUIT BLAMING GOD....YOU out there tolerated in German schools at the time evolutionary dogma as we do today. YOU could have stood up to the nonsense in a majority "Christian" nation at the time and booted it out but you chose not to....ARE YOU REALLY SURPRISED THAT TEACHING WE ARE COMMON BEASTS OF THE FIELD RESULTED IN MEN ACTING LIKE COMMON BEASTS OF THE FIELD?...God told us He created us in HIS Image....Maybe WE should start acting like it down here...

EXAMPLE 2- Where was God on 9-11?
He was watching....who is it that told mankind to make up a false religion that teaches jihad? YOU
didn't think that someone would practice jihad, which of course means innocents die?....Who was it in the "Christian" west that let the hijackers in on student visas knowing what Islam really teaches? They don't have colleges in Muslim nations???...QUIT BLAMING GOD...He split us all up at Babel by language groups/barriers .... Who told us to force ourselves to get back together? WE did it to ourselves down here. Even post 9-11, in our zeal down here to be PC western nations have now flooded themselves with millions of Muslim "refugees" as we pat ourselves on the back. Yet the terrorism escalates in Europe, Canada & the U.S....WHY are you surprised?...It wasn't God who told Muslims to worship a nonexistent "god" named allah....

EXAMPLE 3- Where is God when a single mother on crack births a crack baby?
He is watching with heavy heart....Who told the mother to do crack?....Didn't God tell her to only have sex within the confines of marriage?....Didn't God say to render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's? Well Caesar (the government) says Crack is who told her to try Crack in the first place and break the laws of man?...And God instructs us to take care of our who told her to use crack knowing today how bad it is for your health?..NOT God...QUIT BLAMING GOD down here...

EXAMPLE 4- Where was God during the Haiti earthquake, Hurricane Katrina & Japanese Tsunami?
He was watching....who sinned so bad that their heart was continually evil and violence filled the
land to the point God had to send a global flood busting the tectonic plates apart, tilting the earth's axis and disrupting our meteorology down here?...Humans did...QUIT BLAMING GOD...

...and quit worshipping Mother Earth in place of the Father's the mother earth out of whack when we have natural disasters...if she could fix herself she would amount of sacrificing on the green altar to the god of climate change will fix anything...