Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Fruit Under His Shadow

I sat down under His shadow with great delight,
 and His fruit was sweet to my taste.
Song Of Solomon 2:3

The spouse knew her Beloved to be like a fruit-bearing tree, and at once she sat under His shadow, and fed upon His fruit. It is a pity that we can know so much about Christ, and yet enjoy Him so little.

 If Jesus is as an apple tree among the trees of the woods, do not keep away from Him,
*but sit under His shadow,
*and taste His fruit.
He is a Savior- do not believe the fact and yet remain unsaved.
A physician lives to heal.
The Good Shepherd lives, yes, dies, for His sheep.

Our Lord Jesus Christ has wrapped us about His heart; we are intimately interwoven
*with all His offices,
*with all His honors,
*with all His traits of character,
*with all that He has done, and with all that He has yet to do.
The 'sinners' Friend lives for sinners, and sinners may have Him and use Him to the uttermost. He is as free to us as the air we breathe."
Charles Spurgeon