Saturday, March 24, 2018

Proof He is Passing By

My beloved spake, and said unto me,
Rise up,
my love,
my fair one,
and come away.
Song Of Solomon 2:10
"What a loving call! What astonishing condescension, that the Heavenly Bridegroom should use such words to-whom? Would you not like to be able to fill up that blank, and say, 'My Beloved spake, and
said unto me!'

Perhaps you think this is too much for you. You feel too sinful and unworthy to be so loved,-too defiled to be called 'my fair one.' 
 If so, will you turn to a wonderful picture of those upon whom He sets His love.
I will not quote it here, because I want you to go to His own Book for it. See in it how the Lord Jesus goes down to the very depths, (Psalm 40:2) and begins at the very beginning. Your case is not deeper than those depths; for it is even when we are dead in sins that the great love wherewith God loved us reaches and raises us.

The call to arise and come away is a proof that He is passing by.

Read on, and see what He will do 'then!' 'Then' the 'thoroughly' (Wash me throughly from mine iniquity, and cleanse me from my sin. Psalm 51:2) washing and the anointing which prepares you for the delight of the King. 'Then' the clothing, the girding and the covering, each with their treasures of significance. (The king's daughter is all glorious within: her clothing is of wrought gold. Psalm 45:13).

Rise up and come away from all that pollutes and separates you from Him."
Frances Ridley Havergal