Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Papal Notes - Francis goes Tao

It’s a dialogue not only of ideas; it’s a human dialogue, from person to person, which helps all to grow, to grow as persons, in our path of search for the absolute, for God’

Holy Father Francis met with the Taoist Delegation of the Bao’an Temple of Taipei, Taiwan.
Here is a translation of the words of greeting that the Pope addressed to those present at the Audience:
The Holy Father’s Words
Thank you so much for your visit and for your words. I’m happy about this joint work with the Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue. It’s a dialogue not only of ideas; it’s a human dialogue,
from person to person, which helps all to grow, to grow as persons, in our path of search for the absolute, for God. Thank you so much, thank you for your good will. Thank you for the visit and thank you for the invitation to visit Taiwan. I appreciate this so much. May the Lord bless you all, and pray for me." Zenit
Q: Who exactly does he think Taoists "pray" to?
..... and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3