Monday, March 5, 2018

MICAH Listening Tour: 3

Take a Listening Tour of Scripture sometime...I noticed that Listening to a chapter or book helps "hear" things you didn't "see" when reading's best to listen when dozing off at night because it seems your brain processes more when Listening at rest.

Thus saith the LORD concerning the prophets that make my people err, ... and cry, Peace;...Therefore night shall be unto you, that ye shall not have a vision; 
 and it shall be dark unto you, that ye shall not divine;
and the sun shall go down over the prophets, and the day shall be dark over them.
Micah 3:5,6
The princes, the prophets, and the priests, to whom their interests were confided, were guilty of wrong, oppression, and robbery.....when judgment came and they cried for help, God didn’t answer....
Micah is condemning the sins of those in authority. They should have led their people in the ways of God; instead they led them into sin.
Like cannibals, flay them alive, and then eat their flesh. This signifies, as before, devouring their substance, only expressed in terms which still more set forth their savageness, inhumanity, barbarity, and cruelty. This does not mean they were practicing cannibalism, as this is not to be taken literally. This just means that they treated them like animals for their own personal use, instead of like people.
Darkness, uncertainty, perplexity, and heavy troubles shall be to you prophets. You shall see your predictions so fully confuted, that you shall no more pretend to have a vision..This is speaking of prophets who are not true prophets....The little light they had from God will no longer shine. Their light will go completely out.