Monday, March 5, 2018

MICAH Listening Tour: 2

Take a Listening Tour of Scripture sometime...I noticed that Listening to a chapter or book helps "hear" things you didn't "see" when reading's best to listen when dozing off at night because it seems your brain processes more when Listening at rest.


Even of late my people is risen up as an enemy:
ye pull off the robe with the garment from them that pass
by securely as men averse from war.
Micah 2:8
 *chapter 1 denounced sin against God;
*chapter 2 denounces sin against man.
Micah decried the corrupt practices of the affluent....he attacked the false prophets and those who would silence the true prophets.
This is speaking of someone who lies awake at night, and figures out ways to cheat the poor out of
what they have. These people are not led into sin by their friends. The sin originates in their own minds. They rehearse exactly how they plan to work their scheme, even while they are still in bed. As soon as they get up, they go right out and put their evil plans into action....One of the Ten Commandments forbids coveting things that belong to others.
Micah 2:4 In that day shall one take up a parable against you... A parable signifies a speech out of the ordinary way, and illustrated with metaphors or rhetorical figures. So speaking in parables is opposed to speaking plainly....The parable is probably a taunting song against them.
It appears that the people do not want Micah to prophesy anymore. They do not want to hear this negative message. ....The breaker is come up before them: This is a reference to Israel’s Messiah (Jesus), who will break down every obstacle between the people and their God. He will restore them, forgive their sins and implant within them a new heart.