Monday, March 5, 2018

God & Nature SERIES: God’s Provision

Romans 1:20 gives assurance that every person in the world can know that God exists:
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse.
 Nature Reveals God’s Provision
"Why does the earth provide edible food?
*The sun’s energy warms our planet.
*Hot air blows from areas heated by the sun to cooler areas.
*The sun’s energy brings rain.
*Water evaporates from the ocean and falls to the land as it cools.
*The sun powers the winds that move the water vapor to the land.
*The sun’s energy renews air.
*With our sun’s energy, plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen.
*The sun’s energy grows food.
*Plants capture sunlight and store it in sugar, starch, and fat.
Many other stars are too hot to support life. Many are too cold. Some vary from hot to cold too much. Some stars are too big and some are too small. Our sun is one of the few types that is ideally suited to support life. Most stars in the universe are not perfectly balanced for life, but our sun is.
There are thousands of examples of an integrated and purposeful plan for provision through the flora and fauna of our planet."