Sunday, March 4, 2018

Gleanings from Micah

"God pleads through His prophet: He has shown you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?
Micah 6:8

Micah’s message was to both Israel and Judah, addressed primarily to their two respective capitals, Samaria and Jerusalem.
Micah’s warning messages were unpopular because he foretold the destruction of Samaria by the Assyrians. Furthermore, he predicted Judah’s demise as a nation and the devastation of Jerusalem.

Its three main ideas were:
--their Sins;
--their Destruction;
--their Restoration.

Micah witnessed idolatry, evil business practices, dishonesty, cheating, bribery and internal strife and corruption.

God was not going to allow these sinful practices to continue.
Punishment with
--ultimate national captivity would soon descend upon the people unless they responded to the prophet’s warning messages and repented of their wickedness. The rulers were mostly to blame, as they were responsible for leading the people into sin, despite possessing knowledge of God’s laws.

 His prophecies covered the full spectrum from a lawless nation deserving divine punishment to restoration as the chosen people of God.

The prophecy of the birth of Christ as the Messiah and coming Ruler (Micah 5:2) is quoted in Matthew 2:6. This is interesting, as it shows that the people at the time of Christ understood and accepted that Micah 5:2 was a prophecy of the Messiah to come.

Despite the modern ideas and false teachings that the Old Testament laws are no longer binding on people, it is the law that shall proceed as a tool of instruction from Jerusalem when Christ’s coming Kingdom and government is established. It is the law that shows us God’s ways, and how to “walk in His paths.” Keep in mind that the New Testament was not in existence when Micah wrote." LH&T

"The church has taken the world into her fellowship, and has given her affections to the enemies of
holiness. The church and the world are standing on the same ground in transgression of the law of God. The church prefers to assimilate to the world rather than separate from its customs and vanities'." Signs Of The Times 3/12/1894 E.G.W.

Hmmmm...Just a few questions about the context that micah should be read in:
*Could the 2 cities (like 2 cities in Revelation, Babylon & Jerusalem, and like 2 women in Revelation) be symbols for the 2 endtime groups? Samaria representing spiritual Babylon and Jerusalem those who make it to the New Jerusalem?
*Or could there be an application of among God's last day "church"? Such as representing those in the same (4th) chariot in Zechariah being pulled by 2 different horses in 2 different directions?
The one pulling the people of the 4th chariot south (back into spiritual "Egypt") being represented by Samaria and eventually shaken out and scattered among those in the world in the end.
And the other horse pulling the same 4th chariot to & fro through the earth representing those in the "church" taking the Everlasting Gospel to every nation, tongue and people, yet in a Laodicean state personally, represented by Jerusalem?
*Or possibly another meaning?
*Or am I just crazy?