Sunday, March 18, 2018

DESIRE OF AGES: Audio & Pull Quotes- Chapter 17



Nicodemus had come to the Lord thinking to enter into a discussion with Him, but Jesus laid bare the foundation principles of truth. He said to Nicodemus, It is not theoretical knowledge you need so
much as spiritual regeneration. You need not to have your curiosity satisfied, but to have a new heart.
Surprised out of his self-possession, he answered Christ in words full of irony, How can a man be born when he is old? John 3:4. Like many others when cutting truth is brought home to the conscience, he revealed the fact that the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God.
The wind is heard among the branches of the trees, rustling the leaves and flowers; yet it is invisible, and no man knows whence it comes or whither it goes. So with the work of the Holy Spirit upon the heart. It can no more be explained than can the movements of the wind. A person may not be able to tell the exact time or place, or to trace all the circumstances in the process of conversion; but this does not prove him to be unconverted. By an agency as unseen as the wind, Christ is constantly working upon the heart.