Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Creation Momment 3/23/2018 - Creationist's Best Friend

....and with the point of a diamond... Jeremiah 17:1
"You’ve probably heard the familiar old saying, “Diamonds are a girl’s best friend.” Well today, diamonds are a creationist’s best friend. Diamonds form from carbon atoms that are subjected to
intense pressures deep in the earth and brought to the surface through volcanic activity. According to secular scientists, they should be billions of years old and therefore have no measureable carbon-14 in them. But they do!
The presence of carbon-14 suggests that the earth could be no more than approximately 50,000 years old, and ICR believes the biblical timeline and other evidences show the earth to be around 6,000 years old. Should we trust secular models for origins which do not make accurate predictions for real observations and measurements?"