Friday, March 30, 2018

Creation Moment 3/31/2018 - Genesis & the Cross

"In Jesus’ Passion we discover that behind the universe is a God who treats every person with immeasurable value.

To the evolutionist the death of Christ makes no sense. Richard Dawkins in his book The Blind Watchmaker (ch. 4) said that we live in a universe that he thinks looks like it has ‘no design, no purpose, no evil and no good, nothing but blind pitiless indifference.’

Pitiless indifference’? Dawkins thinks that way because he thinks evolution is true, that we are just the product of blind, materialistic processes. If there is no God, then Dawkins is right. There is nothing out there that even knows you exist. And Dawkins tells you to get used to it.
But the life, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ destroy that desolate outlook.

Antony Flew, once described as the ‘world’s most notorious atheist’, surprised an audience in May 2004 when he announced a change of mind—that he ‘accepted the existence of a God’.

Previously, in 1985, Dr. Flew had debated philosopher and theologian Dr. Gary Habermas on this very question, the proposition that Jesus Christ conquered death itself. This debate was held in Dallas in front of a crowd of three thousand people. It was judged by two panels of experts from leading American universities: one panel comprised five philosophers who were asked to judge the content of the debate, and the other comprised five professional debate judges who were asked to judge the quality of the arguments.
Four of the five on the philosophers panel voted that Habermas had won, i.e. the case he made for the Resurrection was stronger than Flew’s attempts to refute it, and one scored it a draw.

It all hinges on Jesus’ Resurrection. The Apostle Paul wrote about Christ that he was ‘declared to be the Son of God with power … by the resurrection from the dead (Romans 1:4). We know that Jesus is who He claimed to be because of His Resurrection." CMI