Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Creation Moment 3/27/2018 - Jewel of the Solar System

In the beginning God created the heaven.......Genesis 1:1
"When the Creator finished Saturn on Day Four of Creation Week, surely he grinned in satisfaction.
Far from the sun, Saturn is strikingly different from earth. A giant planet made almost entirely of gas and liquid, Saturn is over 750 times the earth’s volume.

*While earth has the greatest density of any planet in our solar system, Saturn has the lowest.
*Earth is solid like the other inner planets (Mercury, Venus, and Mars),
*while Saturn is a gas planet like the other outer planets (Jupiter, Neptune, and Uranus), made up mostly of hydrogen and helium.

One of the most fascinating and surprising touches God gave Saturn is its bright rings, earning it the
nickname Jewel of the Solar System. While other gas planets have rings, none are as spectacular as Saturn’s, and this prompted astronomers to think more deeply about how a planet could acquire these beautiful, mysterious (and unexpected) features.

Evolutionists once speculated that the rings developed billions of years ago when an asteroid crashed into the planet or its moons, causing a circle of debris. But Cassini uncovered just how dynamic the rings are...“The observed changes in Saturn’s rings during the Cassini mission showed that Saturn’s rings are far younger than the 4.5 billion years most planetary scientists think,” observes Danny Faulkner.

During its final passes through the rings, Cassini measured their gravitational pull and confirmed they’re too light to have lasted billions of years. Furthermore, measurements of the dust coming from the outer solar system show that the icy rings are too clean to be billions of years old." CMI