Thursday, March 15, 2018

Creation Moment 3/16/2018 - Dan Brown goes after CMI

"Dan Brown’s latest novel, Origin, which has Harvard professor Robert Langdon, the main character, attending a highly-publicized announcement of Edward Kirsch, a former pupil. Kirsch proclaims that he has found the definitive answer to the two fundamental questions of human existence: Where did we come from? and Where are we going? Langdon states, “ … in our lifetime, the myths of religion would be all but demolished by scientific breakthroughs.”

Kirsch, in his global presentation, recalls the strong reaction from modern religious leaders when 50-year-old test tubes from the Miller–Urey experiment were found in a closet at the University of California, reviving interest in the idea of creating life in a lab. While over 200 million viewers are watching the live stream, Kirsch’s display refreshes to the homepage of, “a recurring target of Edmond’s wrath and ridicule” (p. 388). Though this is a fictional tale, CMI would be happy to have our web address flashed before 200 million people at once! However, at least the hundreds of thousands of readers who have purchased Origin will see and CMI’s mission statement recorded on page 388. God can use even a foolish, hostile-to-our-cause novel to drive people to the truth. Kirsch goes on to state that is “popular, influential, and it contains literally dozens of blogs about the dangers of revisiting Miller–Urey’s work” (p. 388).
If only Dan Brown had actually visited some of these so-called ‘blogs’ he would have found that they are not merely someone’s creative opinion; instead, they are thoroughly researched and documented articles by Ph.D. scientists. And when Kirsch states that is warning of the ‘danger’ of reexamining the Miller–Urey experiment, he is not only fabricating something which has never existed on the site, he utterly misrepresents CMI and creationists in general by portraying them as afraid of open examination of the evidence, in case it disproves God, the Bible or Christianity.
The thousands of articles on in fact represent the very opposite—an encouragement to all not to blindly swallow evolutionary interpretations but to open-mindedly consider all the evidence. Ironically, perhaps, for Dan Brown fans, the evidence against a spontaneous origin of life from lifeless chemicals is actually exceptionally strong". CMI
Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers,...
2 Peter 3:3