Friday, March 23, 2018

ARCHAEOLOGY: Examining Antarctic Evidence

"The extent of fossil forests buried in the coldest continent on earth continues to grow and astound explorers.

The team is wedded to the view that these fossil forests date to the time of one of evolutionary science’s mythoids, the Permian Extinction. (It’s one of many beliefs that is taken for granted based on the geologic column and belief in slow, gradual, progressive, Darwinian evolution.)  By looking past the adventure parts, questioning the evolutionary parts, and doubting the dates, a perceptive reader can detect some anomalies with the evolutionary story:
  • Gondwana was humid and carpeted with a network of hardy plants. As the turbulent climate shifted from hot to cold on a sometimes monthly basis, the streamlined foliage would have
    needed to withstand extremes
    .” Clearly this part of the world, now frozen in ice, was capable of supporting large plants, even though nothing can grow there now.
  • But then, a massive extinction event pulsed through the land. It catapulted nearly all life to an end, obliterating more than 90 percent of the world’s species at the time.” In science, it’s not proper to invoke ad hoc scenarios to keep your world view from being falsified. Evolution is supposed to be about progress, not extinction.
  • What caused this die-off, called the Permian extinction or the Great Dying, is still shrouded in mystery. Clues to the massacre come to us in the form of fossilized trees, but much of the reasons behind this extinction remain unsolved.” In other words, this fossil evidence does not support the mythoid of the Permian extinction. Why believe in a mythoid if it is “shrouded in mystery” and has no known cause?
  • What we know about the Permian extinction we know through marine fossils of animals that once lived in the oceans. Many scientists agree that during this period about 299 to 251 million years ago, a volcanic event triggered a crisis that exterminated about 90 percent of all species on the planet. It eradicated more than 95 percent of marine species and more than 70 percent of all land species.” Now they propose a mechanism—a volcanic eruption—after having just said the cause is unknown. They say it eradicated 70 percent of all land species, but just said what they know about the Permian extinction comes from marine fossils.
  • But beyond the broad outlines, a number of the details are unclear. Some geologists and paleontologists say the Permian extinction occurred over 15 million years, but others say it lasted 20,000 years—a blink of an eye in the scheme of geologic time.” They know less than their triumphal claims suggest. Broad outlines can be wrong. The devil can be in the details.
  • The fossilized trees look a lot like the petrified forests of Yellowstone National Park. Before this expedition, science wasn’t sure if the Permian interval was preserved in sedimentary rocks in Antarctica, but the expedition members think the sedimentary succession they discovered happened at the same time as the extinction interval.” As we reported before, the Yellowstone fossil forests were buried in mudflows, contrary to what evolutionists had taught for decades.
  • “‘I’m trying to put a puzzle together, but I have no reference picture to do it,’ Ryberg says.” What’s wrong with the reference picture from Yellowstone?
  • Permian-era plants are like nothing alive today, Ryberg says. She studies a group of foliage in the genus Glossopteris, which is characterized by woody plants dated roughly 300 to 200 million years ago.” This observational fact does not imply evolution. Many “weird” plants are extinct, and many weird plants remain with us today.
Issues with the dates should still bother evolutionists. The last report in November said that they could still extract amino acids from the proteins. This is from plants said to have perished “299 to 251 million” Darwin years ago.

The observational fact that should be screaming for attention is the preservation of the amino acids and possibly other original
material. Last November they said, “What’s more, fossil microorganisms and fungi have been preserved inside the wood.” How can they possibly believe that this wood is at least 251 million Darwin years old? Is there anyone in the Darwin Party who could take an unbiased look at this belief and admit it’s crazy?"
....the waters of the flood were upon the earth.
Genesis 7:10