Sunday, February 18, 2018

UNMASKING THE WOLF Documentary (Houteff)

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing,..
Matthew 7:15

Victor what did you do???...what have you wrought???
Unmasking the HERESY / ERROR's of Victor Houteff & the Shepherds Rod movement which led to the Branch Davidians. Some things of interest include his writing about a kingdom of God on earth BEFORE the close of probation in Palestine, "aliens" being used as workers, bankers still plying their trade and that Adam, Eve, E.G.W. & others would be resurrected before the close of probation to minister to the world...smacks of JW's who taught something similar (that the patriarchs such as Abraham would be resurrected before the 2nd Advent to preach)...NONE of this is taught by Adventists. Sounds more like he borrowed a little from post millennialism (taught by other denominations), Jehovah Witnesses & a little scientology before scientology...