Saturday, February 24, 2018

The "Lion" of Entertainment

......your adversary the devil,
as a roaring lion, walketh about,
 seeking whom he may devour:
1 Peter 5:8

"In the education of children and youth,
*fairy tales,
*myths, and
*fictitious stories are now given a large place.

Books of this character are used in the schools, and they are to be found in many homes. How can Christian parents permit their children to use books so filled with falsehood?

When the children ask the meaning of stories so contrary to the teaching of their parents, the answer is that the stories are not true; but this does not do away with the evil results of their use. The ideas presented in these books mislead the children. They impart false views of life and beget and foster a desire for the unreal." 
Testimonies For The Church vol.8, p.308.3 E.G.W.