Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Refuting Koresh on the 7 Seals SERIES: Seal 4

This series is designed to show that Koresh's main claim to prophetic fame (his 7 seals interpretations) are Heretical. Apparently there was a miniseries about Koresh made recently which is creating a bit of a Koresh buzz/interest out there...So this is to demonstrate to those who want to link him to Adventism that he wasn't teaching Adventism (which happened to me once when I wasn't expecting it while working at a pizza joint). Sort of my own "miniseries".
"The fourth seal (Revelation 6:7-8) is Death, and the grave follows after it. The language of this seal given in Revelation 6:8 refers back to Ezekiel 5:12, 17. This section of Ezekiel (Chapters 4 and 5) describes the seige on Jerusalem by Babylon. *To the Branch Davidians, Jerusalem here refers to Mt. Carmel, and Babylon refers to the world.

To the Branch Davidians, this siege is the one which began on 28 February 1993 at Mt. Carmel and lasted 51 days. Brad Branch, one of the Branch Davidians who exited Mt. Carmel, said that in his final, private, Bible study *Koresh claimed the Mt. Carmel standoff was also the siege described in Zechariah 14:2. *Koresh said those like Branch who left were those who "shall go into captivity" (Zechariah 14:2). Koresh also told Branch that the "chariots" that "come with flaming torches" in Nahum 2:3-4 were the tanks outside.
The Branch Davidians see these events as a microcosm of a final battle between the kingdoms of men and the Kingdom of God. *They expect literal Jerusalem to be attacked in a similar battle shortly before the coming of God and the return of the Lamb (Koresh)." WF
An Adventist RESPONSE:
*Nowhere is Scripture is a place referred to specifically in Texas.
*First, all cults I've noticed make it about them in a specific location on earth, whereas scripture has the closing events as global involving the whole planet and all of mankind. Second, as for Zech. 14:12, it states that the oppressors would- Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth....did that happen at Waco?
*Did Koresh & his cohorts go into captivity or death?
*"Literal Jerusalem" attacked? Sounds like they borrowed from dispensational pre-millennialism (the "secret rapture" crowd in laymens terms) which is NOT Adventist, but rather the view of many denominations opposed to Adventism...
Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name:
Jeremiah 14:4
*Koresh prophesied lies about Biblical prophetic geography involving a point in Texas
*Koresh prophesied lies about what would happen to his attackers
*Koresh prophesied lies about going into "captivity"
*Koresh prophesied lies based on the heresy of dispensationalism