Friday, February 9, 2018

Papal Notes - Green Marxism

More PROOF that this Vatican administration is aligning with the GREEN NAZIS on the world stage and holds a Green/Marxist worldview....we have warned that the mark of the beast (counterfeit Sabbath) will likely be tinged Green in some way, shape or form as a way to untie the world around this case flirting with the idea of controlling how many children you have--truly GREEN NAZI MARXISTS in every sense of the word....

"The Vatican's Pontifical Academy of Sciences tweeted yesterday without comment a New York Times article about people using
birth control to stop having children because of "climate change" fear. 
The alarmist New York Times article said some people are “acutely aware that having a child is one of the costliest actions they can take environmentally” and are therefore using artificial contraception to prevent that from happening.....the Academy then retweeted a few hours later a suggestion that being “pro-life” includes environmentalism. ​
You can not call yourself [a] ‘pro-life advocate’ unless you take a stand against ALL threats to life - the catastrophe of climate change, war and the arms trade, an economic system with vast amounts of exclusion and inequality,” the tweet, written by an
International Monetary Fund (IMF) employee, said. “You must stand with Pope Francis.”
The Academy’s account responded by saying Pope Francis’ encyclical Laudato Si’ gives “hope...on the common home.” Lifesite
Let no man deceive you by any means:
for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first,
and that man of sin be revealed,..
2 Thessalonians 2:4