Saturday, February 24, 2018

Papal Notes - Bosnia and Herzegovina Bends the Knee

"Pope Francis has received in audience leaders of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a Balkan nation in which Islam, Orthodox Christianity, and Catholicism are all present, with the three faiths generally corresponding to three major ethnic groups: Bosniaks, Serbs, and Croats, respectively.

Pope Francis on Saturday received in audience the members of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina with whom he spoke of the good diplomatic relationship that exists between the Holy See and the Balkan State, pledging  to push ahead with constructive dialogue and collaboration.
The current Presidency is headed by the Bosnian Croat Dragan Čović, leader of the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Present at the audience were also the Bosnian Serb, Mladen Ivanić, and the Bosniak Bakir Izetbegović.
The Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina consists of three members: one Bosniak and one Croat elected from the Federation and one Serb elected from the Republika Srpska. Together, they serve one four-year term.
During the papal audience which took place in the Apostolic Palace, a cordial exchange took place focusing on the need to promote interreligious dialogue.

Other themes touched upon included the current economic and social challenges facing the Balkans and the need to invest in new economic projects in order to guarantee a future for the new generations.
The possibility of promoting reform and an effective equality between the peoples that make up the nation to be able to integrate into the European Union and to favour peaceful cohabitation and a climate of reconciliation between all components of society were also discussed."
....and all the world wondered after the beast.
Revelation 13:3