Tuesday, February 13, 2018

IN the NEWS - Swedish case study

And he causeth all,
both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond,
to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:16

Will this unholy alliance in Sweden be repeated on a global scale by a global coalition of the Vatican, political leaders, world banks, big media & other religious leaders?...when they join forces to pay homage to the image of the beast--will these techniques (which were used by the global establishment against the supporters of Brexit and others who opposed globalism in the 2016 U.S. election, etc.) be cranked up worldwide against those who refuse to go along? Will their websites be silenced as "fake news" while actual "fake news" be put out about them unchallenged?....REMEMBER, Pope Francis called "fake news" a "sin" a few weeks ago...

".....Therefore, when Swedish authorities representing a Swedish left-wing government and media announce a project to combat "fake news" from "decisively influencing" the 2018 elections, this ought to set off loud alarm bells among Swedes.

Who determines what constitutes "fake news" anyway? Is it not the very essence of "fake news" when a media outlet refuses to report mass sexual assaults, because the perpetrators happen to be foreigners from third world countries?
Ultimately, the unholy alliance of government agencies and media giants to silence criticism of government policies in an election year in the name of "fake news", is not only indicative of an astonishing contempt for
established democratic principles and the freedom of expression and information. It also reveals how truly terrified the political establishment is of falling from power, and just how far it will go in compromising democratic principles in order to be able to cling to that power." Zerohedge