Tuesday, February 13, 2018

IN the NEWS - Spirit of Babel thrives in Mankind's hearts

The spirit of the Tower of Babel still thrives in the heart of mankind (or as Justin Tredeau would say "peoplekind").

And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower,
whose top may reach unto heaven;
Genesis 11:4

"It's just a three-foot wide geodesic sphere made of carbon fiber and reflective materials—more or less a stunt, but what Peter
Beck's "Humanity Star" symbolizes is so much more. 
This artificial star ascended into the heavens aboard an Electron rocket launched from New Zealand on January 21st and is now circling the earth once every 93 minutes.  The Humanity Star apparently serves no other purpose than as a testimony to the "greatness" of mankind and its unwavering drive to reach Heaven without God.....mankind, just as in the days of the Tower of Babel, is seeking to reach Heaven in a sinful, godless state.  Mankind's new focus is unity and technological "progress" regardless of the moral and spiritual consequences...." Gary