Thursday, February 15, 2018

IN the NEWS - Surprises

WELL THIS WAS A SURPRISE...rabidly secular Left Wing pulled a piece bashing the Bible.....I'm pretty sure their core base readership enjoyed the Bible bashing why did they really pull it? Those who actually believe in the God of the Bible would have very little influence with so this is surprising to say the least.....

All scripture is given by inspiration of God,...
2 Timothy 3:16

"Salon recently decided to remove a post from their website which claimed that the Bible cannot have come from God because it was so “badly written.” The post  originally appeared at the website of psychologist and writer Valerie Tarico....The author began her post by stating that millions of evangelicals hold a dictation theory of inspiration...Tarico, whose previous writings at Salon included “I am pro-abortion, not just pro-choice,” makes her case against the Bible by arguing that it was written by too many people over too many centuries using too many different genres.

Her case against the Bible includes the idea that modern readers will not find anything true or beautiful in Scripture. “As a modern person reading the Bible, one can’t help but think about how the pages might have been better filled. Could none of this have been pared away? Couldn’t the writers have made room instead for a few short sentences that might have changed history Wash your hands after you poop. Don’t have sex with someone who doesn’t want to. Witchcraft isn’t real. Slavery is forbidden. We are all God’s chosen people.”
After initially posting a link to the article on Twitter, Salon received many messages pushing back both on its content and style. One person even pointed out the grammatical errors in the post, noting the irony of their appearance in a post where the author complains that the Bible was poorly written
Salon tweeted that they had retracted the post because it did not meet their editorial standards. They explained that the post came from a “partner site.” BCN