Saturday, February 24, 2018

IN the NEWS - Duped

Poor girl....Let no man deceive you by any means... 2 Thessalonians 2:3

"YouTube star Lizzie Estella Reezay has announced she is converting to Catholicism.

In a video posted to her LizziesAnswers account, she explains: “I want everyone to know that I hated that this was happening. I fought so hard to get out of this intellectually. I did not want to be Catholic. Not only did I think Catholicism was wrong, I just didn’t like the vibe of Catholicism. I wanted to be anything but Catholic.
However, she said she had no choice but to convert when she realized Catholicism was true.
Lizzie grew up as a member of the Churches of Christ, a Protestant denomination that emerged in the US in the 19th Century. She started her YouTube channel at the age of 16 and amassed a huge following, with over 43 million video views.
Despite her Protestant background, in the past year she started looking into Catholicism, posting videos such as “10 Lies Protestants Believe About Catholicism!
Then, on Ash Wednesday this year, she posted a video saying she was converting."